Sunday, March 27, 2005

Urban Jungle?

If you had asked me what the very last thing I expected to see walking down 34th Street around midnight last Tuesday night, I very well may have answered with "elephants." Nonetheless, last Tuesday night, around midnight, several elephants with a full police escort came walking single-file down 34th Street. What a sight, elephants in Manhattan.

For those of you wondering if I've finally succumbed to the crack habbit, the answer is of course yes. Nonetheless, the above story is in fact true. As it turns out, the Ringling Brothers circus is in town at the Madison Square Garden. Apparently, the elephants are too big to be brought onto Manhattan Island by truck, so they are walked through the midtown tunnel and across the island along 34th street to get to MSG. Since this is a bit of a traffic disruption, they do this in the middle of the night on a Tuesday.

Aside from that, this week has been anything but pleasant. Too much work, and not nearly enough time with which to do it. With the exception of a quiet Easter brunch with a friend, I've been in my office all weekend. Sad, I know, but true.

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