Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Few Thoughts.

Once again, I'm motivated to update simply by too many people noticing that I haven't. Ah well. Where to begin?

This blog turned one year old last month, with little fanfare. It still feels like it doesn't have much of a purpose, but then even in the beginning I never stated a purpose. Poor little blog, lost in the wilds of the internet searching for meaning in life.


I had an observing run at the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico. Pictures can be found here, for those of you who have asked.

Weddings. So many weddings this summer. Why do you people all have to get married? Sheesh. Truly, though, I'm very happy for my friends and family members getting married. And hey, they are more excuses to travel. The current list has two weddings in Michigan, one in North Carolina, one in Florida, and possibly another in Iowa. Add to that a trip to Wisconsin, another observing run, and possibly a conference in Canada, and my summer already seems completely full.

This is the perfect time of year to be in New York. All the trees are in bloom, the weather is warm--but not so warm that you over-heat walking around town. I wish it would stay in the 60's all through the summer.

Work needs to be done. This needs to be updated later.


Lunicrax said...

AAS in Calgary? Hey!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Any chance you'll have time for a visit while in MI?

Anonymous said...

When are you coming to Wisconsin??