Monday, June 04, 2007

Round 3: Pinch Hitting for #11 New York DMV, is #26 Michigan SoS

So I find myself wondering, where is this record the Michigan Secretary of State is supposed to be mailing me?

I call up the SoS to find out what the deal is. Turns out that whoever I'd talked to before was on a substantial amount of drugs at the time. There was no record of my call. And even if there was, they couldn't send me the report, they could only send me the application for the report. I still have to pay $8 before they'll print the report and send it. So they faxed the application to me, and I faxed it back to them.

$8 poorer, and still waiting.

Andrew: 0 DMV: 3


Amanda said...

It would be funny if, in place of recording the details of your call, the person you spoke to instead wrote all about the substantial amount of drugs they were on. Might make the Secretary of State a little interesting for a change.

Chrissy Fleming said...

You are SO long overdue to post about a pretty big life event! ;-)