Thursday, November 29, 2007


There are two other blogs in existence for the residents of 90 West.

It's heartening to see residents talking to each other so much more. It will both help us keep organized in the face of our current situation, and hopefully make the building a little more friendly when we all get to go home again.

Thanks to "Neighbor from 19th Floor" and Derek of for bringing these blogs to my attention.


Anonymous said...

Now that I've viewed the other two blogs, I think I will be avoiding them and sticking with yours. I heard enough whining at the meeting last night and I don't care how outraged people think they have the right to be, it does not entitle them to be rude, obnoxious, and unhelpful to the process of fixing our situation. So far it seems like the people posting on this one are generally trying to get through as best they can.

I climbed plenty of stairs this week, but I can still see how hard people are working for our benefit and comfort. Thank you for keeping this blog and thanks to the other wonderful neighbors that have made this inconvenience so much easier and more pleasant than I would have imagined!

Andrew said...

Thanks so much for the kind feedback. Like you, I saw a wide range of emotions at the meeting. I can understand how some people are far more upset than I am--I feel incredibly lucky to have almost-family so close by.

I'm sure everyone is coping the best way they can. And as plans begin to settle down, I'm willing to bet we'll see a lot more camaraderie among neighbors. I've already met more neighbors at the meeting and through this blog than I have since I moved into the building!