Monday, December 03, 2007

Latest Update

This was posted to the building's website around 7:12pm:
90 West Residents

New York City’s housing office has advised us that residents can now reoccupy 90 West Street.

Please note that the sewage leak happened at a time of sustained rain and high tide and that the water did not rise above the cellar level.

As discussed we have retained our own environmental testing company. The company advised extensive tests to determine if there was any residue on the floor from the flood. We preformed a round of preliminary tests to determine the background level of contaminants. The test showed that most of the building was clean. We used those results (which are posted on our web site) to plan the final phase of cleaning. We decided based on the tests to clean all the public hall carpets before the residents return. The hallways are complete. The cellar has been cleaned and re-cleaned. Work will continue down there for a few months. We will be replacing doors and painting all the surfaces. We will be installing new equipment in place of temporary equipment. We will also be installing additional dehumidification equipment.

With the water now running we have ordered water quality tests. Both the DEP and our Plumbers have advised that the possibility of water contamination is extremely remote. The results of the water tests will be available from the lab tomorrow afternoon. Until we have the final results you should refrain drinking or cooking with the tap water. The results of the water test will be made available as soon as we get them.

The bottom line is that we want you to feel safe when you return to 90 West Street. If you decide that you want to wait for the results of tomorrow’s tests then you should stay in your hotel until Wednesday. The PA has not confirmed they will reimburse you for the additional night however, we will do everything in our power to make sure your additional expenses are reimbursed.

90 West Street.
A few residents have expressed concerns about the water and air quality, hence the last paragraph of the notice. Lynn and I are definitely moving back in tomorrow, leaving Connecticut early in the morning to drop our stuff at our apartment before work. We're both tired of moving around, and anxious to be in our own place again. It will be good to be home.


Anonymous said...

man, there is some ranting going on at that previously civil forum. The all caps has made several appearances. Is there no room for compromise? States ask people to boil water quite often in this country. It happens. Should everyone sue the govt. for compensation whenever there is a disaster? drink bottled water for a day. really. good grief.

think i'm about done with that forum only the inconsolable are voicing.

Anonymous said...


I couldn't have said it better myself. In fact, I was just about to write a post saying how frustrated I was with the whiny, mob mentality going on. There are millions of people right now in the world that have been displaced from their homes due to war, natural disasters, and various other causes that are not their faults, and most of them don't get put up in hotels--let alone nice ones.

Once you're back in too, we should all grab a drink at Moran's or the Gatehouse. Is there any night you're free?

Anonymous said...

Talked to Andrew

sounds like a plan. Sounds like a plan. I'll check with my better half so we can schedule.

mary said...

I agree that there are few people going overboard. I hope things calm down when the test results come in because I think that blog has been useful and a tenants association is a good idea (but only if the ranters don't hijack it).

The only thing I can say in defense of these people is that some of them have kids. If I had children, I probably would be a little more concerned about safety and would want to wait until all the tests came in before moving back in.

Michelle said...
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