Sunday, December 02, 2007

Snow on Sunday

90 West has posted the report from DeSimone stating that there is no structural damage to the building. The full report is on the building's website. Here's the relevant excerpt:
DeSimone Consulting Engineers visited the site for a preliminary visual inspection on November 28 and performed a thorough follow-up visual inspection on November 29, 2007. The entire subcellar and cellar levels and underside of the ground floor were checked. No evidence of structural distress was noted.

Note that DeSimone Consulting Engineers was the Structural Engineer of Record for a major renovation of this building that occurred in 2002. Our office is familiar with the structural systems of the building.

I have to admit that I never expected there to be any structural damage. The building, down to the sub-basement level, is upheld by steel columns encased in terra cotta block. I do understand how some people would worry about this, though, based on the neighborhood we live in.

It snowed overnight in Connecticut, and I awoke to a wonderful winter scene. (Completely unlike the last two years, with no snow until January last year, or the year before.) There is about an inch of fresh snow on the ground, and large fluffy snowflakes drifting their way down as well. Winter can be so lovely. I wonder if it snowed in New York.

1 comment:

Derek said...

Hi Andrew,

I can tell you it snowed in NewArk until late morning. About one ince of mostly light powdery stuff. I'm hanging out here at the Ramada Inn still trying to catch up on home work from last week I didn't get done.

Michelle, who is up in the Woodstock area says they got some snow too.
