Thursday, November 29, 2007

Breaking News

I just got off the phone with Leslie Riddle. She does not work at the Port Authority, but rather for the law firm that is handling the claims made to the Port Authority via their hot line (866-902-3276). I called to ask for the procedure for reimbursements. She stated that on Monday, they will be calling of the residents who have called them thus far for the final procedure, but that it will involve either bringing receipts to a room they have setup at the Ritz Carleton (2 Battery Place) or an address to mail those receipts to. They are currently working on getting the funding to have everyone reimbursed by next week.

Next week? I asked if we should guess at the total expenses for the two weeks, or not. She said that it may not be necessary: Crews have been working around the clock on the building, and they're talking about moving residents back in as early as Tuesday!

Tuesday! Could it be? To be clear, Leslie told me that Tuesday was the goal, and not a final date. But it sure does sound promising.


Karen McDermott said...

It is definitely in their best interest to expedite this. I saw Mr. Levinson today at 90 West and he was hopeful that next week was a possibility - but he didn't want to raise hopes.

Andrew said...

I agree, the earlier we can get back in our apartments, the better for everyone! I also didn't want to raise hopes up by posting what Leslie told me. But then, I'd also hate to keep good news to myself. It's definitely nice to hear it from another source, as well.

Karen McDermott said...

Some thoughts on "luxury" ...Let's talk about luxury....I have the luxury of drinking warm water as there is no room in this mini-bar for large bottles of water I am forced to buy at Duane Reade. This morning, I had the luxury of bearing the winds and walking three blocks to Starbucks for coffee I don't even like-paying $5 and then spilling it on my coat as I walked in the torrential wind avoiding the ANNOYING Africans selling terrorist funded handbags and watches to unsuspecting tourists - just what I want on a Saturday morning. I then get to come and sit on my bed in my room and drink it. Normally, I would have the inconvenience of rolling out of my bed at home and making my own cappuccino (as I do every morning)and then enjoying it on my sofa watching the news. Boy this luxury thing is really growing on me!