Thursday, November 16, 2006

Another Interview

Three, to be exact. I had an interview with a consulting firm this morning that consisted of three interviews with different people. Some parts felt very good, and others were a little awkward. I am very comfortable chatting with people, no problem there. But when they asked me to add two and two in my head with them watching--I answered five. (No, not really, just an oversimplification to get the point across that basic math escaped me under pressure.) On the one hand, they know this was my first consulting interview, so maybe they'll go easy on me. On the other, I'm afraid I won't mark very high in the "works well under pressure" category.

If you're reading this, I really do work well under pressure. Really. Look at my last two years of college....

I really like this company, we seem perfectly suited to each other. I just hope they see that, too.

Spent the weekend in Houghton, first time back in over two years. It was much fun. I got to see a lot of old friends, made some wonderful new ones, and really connected with some great people. Maybe you can go home again after all.

But I seem to have brought a cold back with me, so it's off to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought those photos on facebook were familiar, that's the dance studio at Mich Tech isn't it? Anywho, I'm sure you did fine. Miss you though, wish you'd come to the LP and visit. :-(